Explore humanity as a student of anthropology. How did humans become who we are? What does modern society have in common with the communities our ancient relatives built? As an anthropology major at WLC, you’ll explore these fascinating questions and more.
Through your coursework you’ll learn to harness knowledge from the biological sciences including vertebrate zoology, 植物学, anatomy and physiology, 免疫学, and pathophysiology in order to specialize in one of three reSearch tracks.
The archaeology track includes a comprehensive application of archaeological laboratory methods and field techniques, including excavation, artifact labeling and analysis, and transit survey and cartography. You'll be prepared for graduate school or a career in cultural resource management.
Biological 人类学
The biological anthropology track prepares you for careers in forensic science, 灵长类动物学, and bioarchaeology. 在这个轨道上, you'll develop knowledge and skills in anatomy and physiology, forensic reconstruction and analysis, developmental biology, and analytic chemistry.
Cultural 人类学
Our cultural anthropology track exposes you to a wide range of diverse social and cultural traditions and languages. You'll graduate prepared for careers in cultural consulting and counseling, cultural heritage management, 世界的任务, international development, humanitarian relief, 公共卫生.
Study anthropology in a rigorous, relevant, and respected program
The curriculum presented to anthropology majors follows the guidelines established by the American Anthropological Association (AAA). 课程主题, laboratory exercises, and student reSearch are structured to conform to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of AAA (1983) and the guidelines established by the constitution of the World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA, 2010), the Register of Professional 考古 (RPA), and the Wisconsin Archaeological Survey (WAS).
另外, all reSearch conducted as part of the study of anthropology at WLC follows the procedural guidelines of the National Science Board (NSB).